Tag: training

TrainerRoad-The Poor Mans’ Computer-Based Trainer

As my training ramps up heading into the Winter, I had anticipated purchasing a new computer-controlled resistance trainer for my cycling. I projected many long, boring hours creating puddles of sweat on the basement floor. In an effort to make that more tolerable I thought a pre-programmed, video –enabled trainer would help alleviate that. Unfortunately, …

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Lake Placid Winter 2013-Day 7-Thawin’ Out!

After two days of inactivity, I was ready to explode. The high temperature for the day was expected to be up to 9F(Heat Wave!), so I already had it in my mind to do a morning and afternoon skate-ski. I had a good healthy breakfast upon waking and was off to Mt. Van Hoevenberg around …

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What is Skate Skiing Anyway?

Many times when I tell people that we are heading to Lake Placid to skate skiing they are not really sure what that is. When people think of cross-country skiing, they think of what is known as classic style which consists of lifting the heel and sliding the ski forward usually maintaining constant contact with …

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Batten Down the Hatches…

Well, this could be the last post for some time as Hurricane Sandy is looking to make a direct hit on Southeast Pennsylvania very soon. It has been cloudy all day, but hasn’t really rained that much yet. I was able to head out for a short this afternoon which could be it for a …

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Taper Time…One More Week To Go!

It is hard to believe that my “A” race for the season, Ironman Muskoka 70.3, is only a week away. With that comes the surprisingly challenging taper weeks. You would think that a relaxation in training volume and intensity would be welcomed with open arms at this time, but strangely it is a bit of …

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Treading Water

After finding out last Sunday that the pool I usually swim at was closing down for two weeks, I made my rounds to two of the other facilities in the area that have pools. I was able to obtain a free pass at each one, so I figure hit one the first week and the …

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Revisiting My Goals for the 2012 Season…

I thought it would be a good time to review my goals for this season as I approach my  “B” and “A” races for the year. Although most of the work is behind me now and there isn’t a whole lot of time to do anything about these now, it is always good to see …

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Recovery…What’s Up With That?

When my coach notified me that this week was a recovery week, I was a little disappointed at first. But after thinking back over the hard work I had done during those high intensity workouts of this last training block and that this was a race week, I accepted the hard truth. Why is it …

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Ironman Lake Placid 2012 Trip Report-Last Day in LP

Our night of camping was accompanied by thunder, lightning and heavy downpours all night. I woke up several times because of it, but it wasn’t a horrible night sleep either. Fortunately the rain had subsided by morning and the wind picked up to dry out the tent and the ground. We never got wet during …

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Ironman Lake Placid: The City of Shaved Legs

My alarm went off this morning with NPR very clearly reporting the news about the theater shooting in Colorado that occurred during the night. It was one of those things that hits you hard and there is no chance that I could go back to sleep after hearing it. Kind of like when I heard …

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