Tag: training

IMLP 2014-Week 17 Training Update-Turning Up The Heat

Places, Rail, Run, Training, trail

The heat is turning up…in temperature and training intensity. After a very demanding Black Bear Half Iron race, I had a good rest day and then back to it again. The weather for week 17 could not have been nicer, although the weekend got a little hot. It takes me a little while to get …

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IMLP 2014-Training Update Week 15

Week 15 wrapped up with the end of 3 weeks of building volume. This last week topped out at around 16 hours, with a 4:20 bike ride on Saturday and a 2:40 run on Sunday. Due to my late start on Saturday and dinner plans that evening I wasn’t able to get a brick workout …

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Gear Review: Yurbuds Earbuds…A Love-Hate Relationship

Spoiler alert..My search for the perfect training earbuds continues. I have two pairs of the fully wired Ironman-branded Yurbuds. I was mainly attracted to this brand by the claim that the fit properly in your ear without shifting around and are not sensitive to sweating. I seem to have two different size earholes so finding a …

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IMLP 2014-Training Update March 28 2014

PMC Chart as of March 28 2014

Wow! Time flies when you are having fun!! I am just finishing up my 2nd Base training period(not including the recovery week) already with 18 weeks to go until Ironman Lake Placid. Training has been going pretty well despite Winter kicking and screaming. I am still spending a lot of time on the trainer compared …

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IMLP 2014-Week 20 Training Update

Spring is on the Horizon #sunset #tree

I haven’t updated on my training lately, so I thought I would put out a quick post. 19 more weeks until Ironman Lake Placid. Winter continues here on the border of the NorthEast and the Mid-Atlantic. We have had a few sparks of Springtime show their face, but not enough. For example, yesterday was sunny …

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Not A Great Start To The Day…

This morning I finally awoke before 5am ready to hit the pool early finally. I ate a Amrita bar and a big glass of water and I was out the door. Ready to get the training day off to a good start. About a mile down the road, I realized that I still had my …

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How Many Watts Do You Generate Shoveling Snow?

Ok, I have been slacking big time on the posts here. I actually had aspirations of catching up during our recent winter vacation, but was so busy skiing and snowshoeing that I never even got one out. Since I have been home we have been getting bombarded with snow, so I have been busy shoveling …

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Training Log-Prep Week 4-Winter Prevails

Another prep week down. Cold temperatures and snow make for some additional training challenges this year. Last season I think we had it pretty easy. No worries though. This is all part of it and it makes you mentally stronger dealing with these little obstacles. This week I ramped up to around 9 hours despite …

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Training Log-Prep Week 2-One Extreme To The Other

My second Prep week of 2014 has seen almost every possible type of weather has seen snow, rain, thunder, lightning, heavy winds and temperatures from -3 to 50 deg F. It has been one of the strangest weeks of weather I have seen. But rest assured, Donald Trump says that there is no Global Warming… …

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Ironman Lake Placid Training Week 25 Update-Still Tapering

I feel like I was going 100 MPH and we just slammed on the brakes! I thought only training 8-9 hours last week was light, but we cut that in half again this week with only ~4 hours total training. It feels like nothing. Crazy to think that some people may think that is a …

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