Tag: training

IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#19(May 11-17)

Sunset on the Railroad Crossing

Another 16+ hour build week concludes. Only 5 more weeks until Ironman Coeur d’Alene! How am I feeling? A bit fatigued actually . Not terrible but I can feel the stress of heavy load. The weather has also been unseasonably warm for Spring which is kind of taking its toll on me. I do not …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#18(May 4-10 2015)

D&L Trail LSD Run dry dusty feet

Now with the NJ Devilman race behind me it is time to focus on the final 8 week build for Ironman Coeur d’Alene. Unfortunately, the affects of the Devilman Half Lite continued to linger well into the week. I was very exhausted on Monday and decided it would be best to take a rest day. On Tuesday, …

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Dutch Springs Open Water Swimming Update

@Places, Adirondacks, Endurance Sports, Full, Ironman, Lake Placid, New York, Race, Sports, Training, Triathlon, United States, imlp, multisport, tri

Hey swimmers… Dutch Springs is making some accomodations for open water swimmers ! I recently received the following email from them which contains the details. If you want to get on the mailing list, give them a shout by going to their contact page   Open Water Swim Training at Dutch Springs – You spoke and we …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#17(Apr 20-26 2015)

Farm near Fleetwood

Week 17 was not the typical recovery week. Usually my recovery weeks start out with some very low HRV readings and a general feeling of “blah”. At least in the early part of the week. This week I felt pretty darn good. I took Monday totally off of training and had an easy swim on Tuesday. …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#16(Apr 13-19 2015)


Only 10 more weeks until Ironman Coeur d’Alene! Week 16 was a pretty solid week of training. I ended up with around 15 hours total volume, which also included one day off due to me being stressed out from a screw-up at work. It also inlcluded no strength training whatsoever since I totally blew that …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#15(Apr 5-12 2015)

Lehigh Parkway Run April 12 2015

Only 11 more weeks until Ironman Couer d’Alene! Week 15 was another build week. I had planned about a 16 hour week in volume, but ended up with only 13 hours. This was mostly due to a shoulder bursitis flare-up issue that kept me out of the pool and some dog emergency issues on Friday. I was …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#14(Mar 30 2015)

Yuki Waiting Patiently for a little "brick" walk after my long trainer ride

Week 14…back to building again. It feels good to be too. Temps are starting to warm-up again, although the winds have been howling away. My HRV is back in the green again, so full speed ahead. The body likes to be working hard. While I had planned on a 16 hour training week, I only …

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The Value of the Long Run or Ride

garbage, junk, trash, pitch

While out on my long run of the week the other day, I was thinking about about all the times I have heard the long run referred to a “junk miles” lately. We have been innundated with all of these so-called experts who keep spouting out how to “hack” everything.  People love to hear someone tell …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#12 & 13

I have falling behind a few weeks on my training log updates, so in an effort to catch up a bit I am combining a couple weeks here. Week 12(Mar 16-22) Week 12 was the second of two build weeks for me. I ended up with 12:46 hours of volume and a TSS of 760. …

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IMCDA 2015 Training Log-Week#11

Rodale Fitness Park-Finally getting outside for some runs in nicer weather. portrait

Week 11(Week of 3/9/15) was my first official build week for the journey to Ironman Coeur d’Alene. It did not disappoint. I ended up with about 13 hours total training time and I even missed a couple workouts. My HRV finally moved to back into the green zone indicating I was ready for increased training …

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