My typical weeknight rides always take me past our local community pool. On Tuesday night(July 3rd) I had noticed that they had a lap lane setup on the side closest to the diving area. I thought “sweet” I can run down there tomorrow and do my normal Wed swim, since the Rodale Aquatic Center pool …
Category: Triathlon
Jul 05
Cha…Cha…Cha…Chia… Pudding Recipe
No I didn’t eat my Chia Pet! Tried this recipe out for breakfast the other morning. Was really good and satisfied me until lunch which is amazing. Check it out over at New Nostalgia… New Nostalgia: Anytime Chia Pudding.
Jul 03
Raw, Vegan Blueberry Ginger Ice Cream
Haven’t tried this on yet, but posting it for later use… Sent from my iPad
Jul 02
June 25-July 1st – Recovery Week in Review
First off is that I have migrated over to a new WordPress host this week. I kept running into things that I wanted to do that I could not with the free hosting, so I moved over to a custom hosting site. Migration was pretty seamless. I just have to tweak a few things. …
Jun 30
Grilled Veggie Pizza Thanks, Brian Sent from iPhone 4S
Jun 29
Amazing, Amazing, Amazing: Maple-Maca Ice Cream (with Chocolate Chips!):
Amazing, Amazing, Amazing: Maple-Maca Ice Cream (with Chocolate Chips!):
Jun 29
Lake Placid Training Camp Day 4-The Final Push
The sore blasted in the room at around 5:30AM and I immediately took inventory of the damage done from the long ride the day before. To my surprise, my ability to walk to the bathroom was not hampered in any way. “Could I really not be sore at all from a 7 hour bike ride?” …
Jun 29
Lemon Herb Quinoa with Hemp Seeds, Spring Peas, and Basil recipe from food52
Lemon Herb Quinoa with Hemp Seeds, Spring Peas, and Basil recipe from food52.
Jun 27
Lake Placid Training Camp Day 3-Cycling, Storms and Bears
The sun began shining in the door around 5:30AM waking me up a half hour before the alarm would go off. I tried as hard as I could to get back to sleep for another few minutes but the anxiety in my gut would not allow me to do so. Today was the day that …
Jun 22
Lake Placid Training Camp Day 2-Makin’ Good Time
The alarm clock went off at 6am this morning. I cobbled together some different items for breakfast before meeting up with the group at 7:15am for our morning swim. I had planned on having some granola with hemp milk, but was lacking utensils and a bowl…doh! Instead I funneled the granola down my gullet and …