Category: Triathlon

Did I Achieve My 2012 Goals?

As 2012 comes to a close and we managed to survive the end of the world, I thought I should see if I achieved all of the goals I had set for the year. Looking down the list I realized that I only achieved 4 of the 8 goals.  This may seem to some like …

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Under The Weather

[singlepic id=180 w=320 h=240 float=right]Ok this past week totally sucked! I developed a bit of a head cold the Friday after Thanksgiving from what I think was the drastic change in temperature. During the day on Friday it was sunny and fairly warm. We were out for our Chirunning tune-up in shorts and t-shirts, but …

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Wife vs. Wissahickon MTB

Denise tackles the mighty Wissahickon MTB Trails.

Another example of where Plant-Based Success…

Article about WGME-13 news anchor Jeff Peterson. ANother success story about a guy that made the switch to a whole foods, plant-based diet. via Natural Foodie: Making the vegan switch proved to be a win-win-win | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram.

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Analyzing My Running Form

The IT Band issue in my left leg, which started after my last tri of the season Ironman Muskoka 70.3, has been ebbing and flowing throughout the last 7 weeks of training leading up to my first my marathon. Some days I could run 18 miles with not a lot of pain, but other days …

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Why People on a Plant-Based Diet Live Longer…

Here is a great article from Kathy Freston of the Huffington Post’s Healthy Living section that summarizes all the benefits of going plant-based. She has managed to put in a page what many books I have read took volumes to explain. Albeit, they did go into more detail but she has nailed the key points. …

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Batten Down the Hatches…

Well, this could be the last post for some time as Hurricane Sandy is looking to make a direct hit on Southeast Pennsylvania very soon. It has been cloudy all day, but hasn’t really rained that much yet. I was able to head out for a short this afternoon which could be it for a …

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Book Review: Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life by Brendan Brazier

I decided to do a little research on this whole plant-based thing after seeing the movie “Forks Over Knives”. One book that caught my attention was Brendan Brazier’s Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. The big attraction to this book was mainly that Brendan had been a professional triathlete …

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IM World Championships on NBC Sat, Oct. 27th

Ironman World Championships from Kona, Hawaii are on NBC this Saturday, from 4-6PM EST…. NBC Sports TV Listings & Livestream Schedule – Sports- NBC Sports.

Catching Up on Falling Behind

I am starting to think this off-season marathon thing was a bad idea. Despite my valiant efforts to resolve my ITBS issues from my last tri, I am still running and it keeps coming back. Although it is not very consistent as to when it strikes. Sometimes it is around 6 miles other times it …

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