Category: Triathlon

FDA: Nutrition labels getting a makeover? Why Not Add GMO Too?

It’s funny that Monsanto‘s big argument to NOT label GMO foods was because it would cost too much to change the labels on the so-called “food”. Now the FDA is requiring big changes to the nutrition labesl on food. So, won’t this raise the prices on our food??? If not, why can’t we add a indication …

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Vegetarian Diets and Blood Pressure:  A Meta-analysis

The Journal of American Medical Association recently published a study that appears to support what I have also seen with my own blood pressure since adopting a plant-based diet. Unfortunately I am not able to read the entire article($140 for a subscription), but I have enough personal proof that this is true. I have dealt …

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Not A Great Start To The Day…

This morning I finally awoke before 5am ready to hit the pool early finally. I ate a Amrita bar and a big glass of water and I was out the door. Ready to get the training day off to a good start. About a mile down the road, I realized that I still had my …

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How Many Watts Do You Generate Shoveling Snow?

Ok, I have been slacking big time on the posts here. I actually had aspirations of catching up during our recent winter vacation, but was so busy skiing and snowshoeing that I never even got one out. Since I have been home we have been getting bombarded with snow, so I have been busy shoveling …

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Training Log-Prep Week 4-Winter Prevails

Another prep week down. Cold temperatures and snow make for some additional training challenges this year. Last season I think we had it pretty easy. No worries though. This is all part of it and it makes you mentally stronger dealing with these little obstacles. This week I ramped up to around 9 hours despite …

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Training Log-Prep Week 3-NYC & Miles For Meg

America, New York, New York City, North America, Park, Places, Skating, USA, United States, city, iPhone

I started off this week with a day off from official training, but that didn’t mean I didn’t rack up any miles on my feet. I attended the National Retailers Federation(NRF) expo at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City on Monday. My wife came along and while I was talking to vendors, she …

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Training Log-Prep Week 2-One Extreme To The Other

My second Prep week of 2014 has seen almost every possible type of weather has seen snow, rain, thunder, lightning, heavy winds and temperatures from -3 to 50 deg F. It has been one of the strangest weeks of weather I have seen. But rest assured, Donald Trump says that there is no Global Warming… …

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2013 Runner’s World Half Marathon & Festival Hat Trick

There was a little bit of a void after coming off of my first Ironman with nothing new to train for. I heard about the Runner’s World Half Marathon & Festival that was coming up in mid-October which had a 5k and 10k on Saturday and a half-marathon on Sunday. They also had the “Hat …

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Pocket Favorite: Industry Influence on Our Dietary Guidelines

The story behind the first U.S. dietary guidelines explains why, to this day, the decades of science supporting a more plant-based diet have yet to fully translate into public policy. via Pocket

New PlantEaters iPhone App to Locate Restaurants with Plant-Based Options

New PlantEaters iPhone App to Locate Restaurants with Plant-Based Options