7:30 PM EST – Winds have slowed up for the time being. Not sure how long that will last.
7:10 PM EST – Lights flickered off for a few seconds but came back on again. Still got power, cable and internet.
6:36 PM EST – Rain has decreased but the winds have picked up a bit. Power and Internet still going. Houses across the street appear dark and I can hear some generators running. Strange looking light coming from Mr. Grumpy’s house across the street. Was able to cook dinner on stove and wash dishes. Time to catch up on my Turtleman episodes.
3:00 PM EST – Water beginning to trickle in the cellar door. Wetvac ready to go.
2:00 PM EST – Wind gusts start picking up a bit. Rain coming down pretty heavy.
1:00 PM EST – Work announced that they closing the office. Working from home today so I could not use that as an excuse not to work. As long as I have electric and Internet…still working.